Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Terrorist in our midst posing as Women's Rights Activist

A plea hearing has been set for April 25 in Detroit for Rasmieh Odeh a leader in the Women's day march of 2017 which was turned into a #daywithoutwomen by extremist.  Odeh was convicted in November 2014 and sentenced to 18 months in prison for lying on her application for United States citizenship about former convictions in Israel. With the 2014 conviction for lying she also faced the loss of her citizenship and deportation.

Odeh confessed to be involved in 1969 bombings in Israel that left several students dead and she was convicted. She was sentenced to life in prison but she was released after ten years. After her conviction here for citizenship application fraud in February 2016 the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Gershwin A. Drain as Odah's attorneys claimed she had not received a fair trial to revoke her USA citizenship as PSTD was not considered at the 2014 trial. Odeh's claims were that she was coerced into making a confession of her involvement in the 1969 Israeli bombings. "But records from her trial indicate otherwise. She confessed within a day of her arrest, records show. One Israeli interrogator called her "an easy nut to crack" and testimony at her trial indicated she identified more than 80 fellow PFLP members who later were arrested." Although bomb making materials were found at her residence that showed she was clearly associated with terrorist activities which was confirmed by Investigative Reports Organization and US Attorneys  According to several reports from Detroit and Chicago News sources online appear to be obvious sympathizers of Odeh her attorneys claim she wouldn't get a fair trial so she is now making a plea deal.

There are 2 types of jihad - militant (terror) and creeping (population replacement through mass immigration and maternity wards). Creeping is actually way more dangerous because it advances in baby steps and spreads like cancer, quietly, until it reveals itself when it's usually too late to fight it. If we want the liberty in the West as we know it to survive and continue, we must fight both types of jihad. There is no other option.

Linda Sarsour's disgraceful tweet was archived concerning her vicious comments about some of the real heroes of liberty for the females stuck in Islam. She has already been exposed as a "fake activist" or a 'Trojan horse'. The reader will have to come to their own conclusions on the matter of exactly what she is. She received "ikhras shoe of the month award" along with a long drawn out list why they consider her a "fake". Within that list is Sarsour's theft of other peoples hard work as activist for Palestine (Along with their hate for Israel of course that goes along with all of that). It appears that the real issue for Ikhras indignation may stem from the fact that Sarsour received the Muslim of the year award in 2013 from the Muslim Brotherhood main organization CAIR. That could possibly indicate that she is in fact just a well paid Trojan Horse for elitist like de Blasio and the Muslim Brotherhood when you include her statement about working from the "inside out". She did say in an interview with Rachael Maddow that Muslim kids are being “executed” in the United States. I am sure my ears were not lying to me when I watched an and listened to this interview. The Obama White House called her a “champion of change”. In all truth I really do not think the majority around the globe are really excited about this so called "hope and change" over the last eight plus years. It has brought hate, tragedy, war and divisions around the globe along with creating more poverty for many. She claims nothing is creepier than Zionism but as another Twitter poster points out (snap photo below) where the real terror and the war on women is. Its not coming from Zionist as I don't see any reports of Zionist burning women alive with acid when they don't capitulate to their male advances and demands. As  female I find her remarks extremely hypocritical and lacking any common ground with true supporters of females rights when it comes to her 'fakeness'. I agree with the response that Ayaan Hirsi Ali gave in her interview on Fox news. Linda Sarsour is not a women's rights activist as she is a defender of Sharia law.   Why are taxpayers funding this woman's radical trash?' Why is our society treating and paying elitist trash like these celebrity activist while hard working people of all colors and cultures are struggling to survive each day?

Get to know and support the ladies who true defenders of women's rights like Ayaan Hirsi Ali in the YOUTUBE videos instead of fakes like Linda Sarsour and Rasmieh Odeh the previously criminal terrorist cohort who willingly lied about her criminal conviction to get into the USA. They may love Hamas but most Americans do not love terrorist organization. 

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