At least five fighters with links to Finland in leaked Islamic State documents
The Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle has obtained access to leaked Islamic State documents that contain information on five individuals who left Finland to join the conflict in Syria. Two of the five are reportedly still abroad and one is confirmed dead. Yle has been examining the material in cooperation with the German public broadcasters NDR and WDR and the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Yle found information on five fighters who joined the organisation, although there may be more.
The leaked documents contain background information on some 2,000 Islamic State members. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service Supo has confirmed that the material appears to be genuine.
Yle's investigation has so far uncovered the names of five individuals who left Finland to join in the terrorist group’s ranks. Examination of the material continues, however, and more names linked to Finland may yet surface.
Five individuals from Finland
The data indicate that the five men in question travelled to join Islamic State in the spring and summer of 2014, two years ago.One of the five is a native of Finland. Two of the others have Finnish citizenship and the remaining two do not.
Originally from Somalia, one individual is a Finnish citizen who lived in the southern region of Pirkanmaa. Yle research has determined that he is still at large in an Islamic State location and that he has sought to radicalise others to join IS.
Another is a Finnish-born man, also from Pirkanmaa. He travelled to join Islamic State together with the Somali-born man in June 2014.
The third is a Bangladesh native and resident of the capital region who registered as a member of the Islamic State in June 2014. and maintained close contact with the Somali-born man. He is known to be still at large.
A second Bangladeshi man also hailed from the capital region. Ten years older than his compatriot, he travelled to join the Islamic State in July 2014 and was recruited by the same Somali-born man.
Finally, a Kurdish man who resided in the capital region city of Espoo. Sadiq Qadir Karim was also the alleged leader of the Finnish cell of the Rawti Shax terrorist organisation. Italian police report that he was killed in Iraq in December 2014. He registered as an Islamic State member in March 2014.
Still assumed active in IS
Two of the men, one originally from Somalia and another from Bangladesh, are part of a Finnish jihadist network that Yle has reported on earlier.According to the documents in Yle's possession, both men are still alive and at large in Islamic State-controlled areas.
A third individual is the alleged leader of the Finnish faction of the Rawti Shax terrorist organisation, a European offshoot of the Iraqi Kurdish jihadist network Ansar al-Islam. He made the news last November when Italian police carried out an extensive crackdown on terrorist operations throughout Europe.
The final two are a Finnish-born man from the southern region of Pirkanmaa and a second Bangladesh native who resided in Helsinki. Yle was unable to confirm the status or whereabouts of these IS recruits.
No volunteers for suicide attacks
The leaked documents are standardised registration forms that fresh Islamic State recruits were asked to complete as part of their initial membership interview.The forms indicated that none of the five men had any previous jihadist experience. No one registered as a potential volunteer for a suicide attack, although each of the five indicated a desire to fight for the terrorist group.
All of the five relinquished their passports to the so-called Islamic State, and the majority also surrendered their phones and computers.
The documents indicated that four of the five men on the list were connected. Each indicated the same names as references on their registration forms, arrived in Syria at around the same time and entered the country via the same Jarabulus border crossing.
The central figure of the group appears to be a young man in his twenties originally from Somalia, who left his home in southern Pirkanmaa to travel to Syria in early June 2014.
Yle has access to previous information indicating that he was in regular contact with plenty of other men and women who left for Syria before his departure.
Finnish intelligence not commenting on names yet
The German public broadcasting companies NDR and WDR joined with the national newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung to break the news of the stolen personnel register two weeks ago.That same week the British news service Sky News reported that it had received 22,000 documents from a former IS fighter who said he had become disillusioned with the group's leadership and stole a memory stick.
The Syrian online publication Zaman Al Wasl also published some of the leaked information. The documents were later found to include several duplicates, however, and actually profiled far fewer individuals.
Investigative journalists in Germany estimate that fewer than 2,000 names are included in the material, a number that may fall as the documents are examined further.
The German Federal Bureau of Investigation is acting on the assumption that the leaked documents are authentic. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service Supo has stated that it does not have any reason to suspect that the material published to date is not genuine.
Supo said it is not commenting on the names found on the list at this point, however, as it is still in the process of evaluating the material with its international partners.
Finnish authorities have confirmed that over 70 persons have travelled to the conflict regions of Syria and Iraq in recent years. Supo has admitted that the true number is likely larger, and efforts to correctly identify all of the radicalised individuals continue.
Many hoped that this rare leak of Islamic State membership information could provide some help in tracking down the IS terrorists.
If the documents fail to reveal more names with Finnish connections, they are lilkely to be of little benefit to anti-terrorism authorities.
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All dead*
The Will of Abu Umar Al-Sudani (Ahmad Sami Kheder)
May Allah accept him
To his Muslim brothers and sisters:
بسم الله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله و صحبه و من والاه, أما بعد,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Alhamdulilah Allah Almighty has granted me rest and relief from the trials of Dunya. I ask Allah for his mercy and to be pleased with me. To those who will be shocked by reading this news I say; death is a reminder to us that this world is only temporary and the final abode is near. Remain steadfast and hold firm to this Deen of Tawheed, the path of the messengers and the prophets before. Fight for this path and remember that through all hardships there comes ease. Ask Allah to make the best of our deeds the last of them…..
To the rest of my family and friends, This path has cost me greatly. I have lost many old friends and family, but I have always had peace in my heart that Allah is with me. I hope you may come to understand what it truly means to be a Muslim, to live your lives purely for the sake of Allah. Truly this Dunya is a prison for the believers, so make your intentions pure, before its too late. This family was my most beloved possession in Dunya, so I pray that Allah will unite us in the greatest of homes in A’akhirah.
Finally, to all those who knew me, Al3afo wal 3afiya. May Allah grant you all guidance and paradise. Ameen
Ahmad Sami Kheder
Wasiya of Abu Hassan Al-Sudani (Husham Mohamed Fadlalla) May Allah accept him to his Muslim brothers and sisters…:
To whoever may be reading this document, I would like to start by sending you the greetings of Islam, salam alaikom wa rahmatAllah wa barakatu. If you are reading this Allah SWT has now decreed that my time in this dunya has come to an end. InshAllah I ask Allah to ease this transition from this world to the next for me and to keep me steadfast until the very end. InshAllah I ask Allah that He may grant me shahada and the highest level in Janat Al-Firdous, and to hear the glad tidings of those of you who are to follow. All that I ask for myself I sincerely ask for my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam.
A Message to Batch 16 and UMST:
Brothers and sisters I urge you to make Hijraa and taste the sweetness of sharia and living in the lands of Islam. Wallahi I never knew what true brotherhood was until I came here, you start to understand stuff from the deen you just didn't really understand 100% back home e.g. the hadith about smiling at the face of your brother is charity, wallahi I only properly understood this hadith once I made hijraa. The smiles of the brothers here, subhanAllah, these are your brothers in Islam and they are so happy to see that you are now here with them in the lands of Islam.
I know my hijraa all came as a shock to everyone, and even a bit to myself lakin try living in the lands of kuffar and be happy, you just can't no matter what you do. SubhanAllah it all looked like my future was set, graduated, off to England, PLABs, foundation, etc... SubahAllah Allah is the best of all planners and I ended up in the Islamic state, alhamdulillah. Wallahi as soon as I went back to England (Darr al-Kuffr) I just felt uncomfortable and I hated it, the people, the culture, everything, something just wasn't right; I knew I couldn't live here. SubhanAllah some people strive to get to these places so that they can live freely not oppressed, lakin wallahi if you are not living under sharia then you are oppressed. So alhamdulillah the idea of hijraa came to mind, and I thank Allah SWT for making it easy for me and for surrounding me with such good brothers. SubhanAllah once you realise that you have to make hijraa everything else becomes insignificant, and your sole purpose is to leave Darr al-Kuffr and enter the lands of Islam. And the rest as they say is history, or in our case news headlines.
So this is my story, I cut off from many people and some cut off from me, on my side I apologise but certain issues were too difficult to deal with at the beginning. Wallahi we miss all of you and wish to see you all here in the lands of Islam. I warn all of you from going to work in Darr al-Kuffr, please stay away from America, UK and these places, wallahi you are selling your deen away for a cheap price. Think of the akhira and the sweetness of being admitted into Jannah, this is what we should strive for!! The opportunities here are too many, especially as doctors, wallahi the ummah needs you, be it you’re a medical student, resident, specialist or whatever, all are welcome and all help is appreciated, and may Allah accept your efforts. A special call out to female doctors wallahi we need your help, there is a severe lack of female doctors, you’re fellow sisters in Islam need you. These are the same sisters that will be wives, mothers and raise the next generation of mujahideen, we ask Allah to make it easy for them. Wallahi ya jama3a the truth is clear nowadays, and you can no longer sit on the fence anymore, you must choose your side, choose your camp; Haqq or Baatil, Islam or Kuffur. May Allah guide us all to His straight path and help us to practise his perfect deen. And may Allah use us to be the ones who fight and die in order to make His deen the highest.
To my close brothers and sisters in Islam:
Wallahi I am honoured to know each and every one of you, even if some of you I only know by name. The importance of having good friends I can't stress enough! Whenever anyone asks me what made you make Hijraa I gladly say "being surrounded by good friends".
The sisters, I don't really know many of you, lakin Wallahi it's an honour to have made Hijraa with you guys. My fellow brothers from my batch and some from others, wallahi I couldn't have asked for better friends. Some we have known each other for five years plus now and some for shorter, but I feel close to all of you and are honoured to have known you. Ikhwaa please remember me in your duaas and always ask Allah for steadfastness, for the prophet (pbuh) would always ask for Allah SWT, the turner of hearts, to fix his heart to His deen. SubhanAllah the prophet would recite this duaa the most, and this is the prophet (pbuh), then what are we. I ask Allah to strengthen and fix all our hearts to his deen and make us from the steadfast, patient and god-fearing.
Husham Mohamed Fadlalla
Old Article written by Abu Hasan Al-Sudani
A comment...
We ask Allah to accept our brothers...
May Allah accept our dear brothers to be from the ranks of Shuhada’a, Yes this has always been the way of the believers…Emaan then Hijrah then Fighting and from there it’s either victory or Shahada… These are the three stages that every Muslim’s Eman must go through for it to reach its fullest form.
Three heavy deeds that are mentioned in the Quran which no one can deny, we are living in a time where many Muslims have turned their backs to the book which was revealed to them form Allah s.w.t and preferred Dunya over Aakhirah and prefer to listen to the garbage portrayed by the western media and its rumours against people whom we expect to be performing the act of worship referred to as the pinnacle of Islam by the prophet PBUH called Jihad.
Allah says in Sourat Al-Baqarah: ( 218 )
“Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Allah says in Sourat Al-Imran: ( 195 )
“And their Lord responded to them, "Never will I allow to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who emigrated or were evicted from their homes or were harmed in My cause or fought or were killed - I will surely remove from them their misdeeds, and I will surely admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow as reward from Allah, and Allah has with Him the best reward."
Allah says in Sourat Al-Anfal:( 74 )
“But those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision.”
The prophet PBUH said:
“Shaytan has sat down on the path of Islam to block the son of Adam and said: ““Would you become a Muslim and leave your original way and the way of your forefathers?”” So the son of Adam disobeyed him and became a Muslim.
Shaytan then sat down on the path of Hijrah said: ““Would you emigrate and leave your land and your area?”” So the son of Adam disobeyed him and emigrated.
Shaytan then sat down on the path of Jihad and said: ””Would you fight and exhaust yourself and your wealth to get killed and your wife will be widowed and your wealth will be distributed?”” So the son of Adam disobeyed him and fought for the sake of Allah
Whoever does so and then dies or gets killed or drowns or fell off his horse then Allah guarantees for him to enter him into Jannah.”[Narrated by Ibn Habban- Grade:Sahih]
They were truly from the best of brothers that I have known, they had the best of manners and showed us a very rare example of what it means to sacrifice for the sake of Allah today.
They both had a golden opportunity within reach to work in England after passing their post-grad exams (PLABS), it’s an opportunity that thousands of doctors today would droll from just hearing about.
They preferred to get their salary from Allah s.w.t, they preferred to have an answer ready for the question that we will all be asked on the day of judgement “What have you done from this Deen?”
They preferred to help their brothers and sisters in the Khilafah who are fighting non-stop to establish the Khilafah and apply the Shariah that Allah s.w.t ordered us to implement and live by even tho the Kuffar dislike it.
They didn’t want to pump up their resume or residency log-books to get a better chance to get a higher salary. Their actions spoke louder than any resume out there, they were very loved by their fellow Mujahideen known for healing the hearts by their reminders and healing the wounds of their brothers when many Muslim doctors turned a blind eye to the obligation of Jihad today. Allah will ask you for every cent/penny you pay through tax that goes to the army of the crusader coalition fighting the Islamic state today to fall as shrapnels on the Mujahideen, the Muslim women and children.
We expect that our dear brothers have had the best of Husn Khatima to their lives, a man asked the prophet PBUH: “Who are the best of Shuhada’a?” the prophet PBUH said: “ They are those who stand firm on the front lines facing the enemies without turning their faces until they get killed, such people would fly to the highest rooms in Jannah and Allah laughs from them and if Allah laughs from a servant then there is no reckoning for him". [Narrated by Al-Munthiri Grade:Sahih]
They were killed while fighting the Rafidhi US coalition proxies face to face who are fighting the Mujahideen attempting to extinguish the light of Allah but Allah will perfect his light even tho the Kuffar hate it.
A brother narrates a Karaama that the body of Abu Umar had his Tawheed finger raised and his blood smelt like musk. We ask Allah to accept them. These are your brothers and we expect that they have done their part in serving his Deen today against this global campaign against Shariah. We mst take the banner and carry on this path until we are victorious or even better… meet Allah as Shuhada’a. Follow their steps and let your actions speak for you on the day of judgment. Remember that life is a test and it is not all about having a big salary, a big house, a nice car etc.. We will eventually die and leave all of it behind and you’ll only be left with your actions. Invest for you Akhirah…. Invest for your future…
Finally, The Kuffar and their proxies must have already known by now that we have sold our lives to Allah s.w.t we have nothing to lose in this temporary Dunya. We will keep fighting , enraging you and crushing you and your proxies until you hate the day the thought of fighting Shariah on a global scale crossed your minds. We will keep fighting until our last breath. We will keep fighting until the idea of Kufrr no longer exists on the face of this planet…… The promise of Allah and his prophet PBUH….
Al-Tawba:( 52 ) Say, "Do you await for us except one of the two best things (Victory or Shahada) while we await for you that Allah will afflict you with a punishment from Himself or at our hands? So wait; indeed we, along with you, are waiting."
Before choosing this path we knew that on this path you’re either killed or waiting for it …. Allah says:
Al-Ahzab:( 23 )“Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration –“
Finally, to those who were close to these precious brothers know that the blood of these precious brothers was evenlly spilled by the global US-coalition fighting the implementation of Islam today, the least you can do is make Dua for them while following their steps or in case you want revenge then it's almost 70 countries fighting us who did it...
We ask Allah to accept our brothers and to keep us all firm until we meet him and grant us Shahda for his sake.
And Allah knows best.
Dr. Ikrimah Al-Muhajjir
4/Jumaada Al-Aakhir/1438 H
Written somewhere in Khilafah.
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